The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), in the search for reducing accidents and increasing road safety on the roads, makes its DGT 3.0 platform available to users. This initiative connects various actors in the world of mobility (vehicle manufacturers, navigation services, city councils, among others) to provide real-time information to road users. The objective is clear: minimize risks by providing advance data on dangers on the road, allowing safer decisions for all users.
The DGT 3.0 platform provides accurate traffic data, using IoT technology (the network
collective of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves). Thus, it offers homogenized and updated information through services that allow mobility data to be shared freely and freely. In this way, drivers can access this information to make decisions, thus helping to create safer and more efficient mobility.
The V-16, a device designed to replace the classic warning triangles, emerges with the
objective of improving road safety and reducing accidents. It is a connected beacon capable of projecting high-intensity yellow light in all directions, for at least 30 minutes intermittently or continuously, and is equipped with a battery with a minimum useful life of 18 months. (whether it is rechargeable or not).
This device should be kept in the glove compartment of the vehicle and, in the event of an emergency or accident, it can be quickly activated and ideally placed on the roof of the car. When activated, in addition to emitting light warning signals, it connects to the DGT 3.0 platform to transmit the location in real time and alert other drivers about the situation. This sign, a pioneer in Europe, optimizes road safety by replacing the placement of triangles and alerting other drivers about the danger through its geopositioning.
The implementation of DGT 3.0 has marked a milestone by sending the location of vehicles in risk or emergency situations equipped with the V-16 connected to the navigators. Since January 2023, lights with connection capacity have been on the market, although it will be from January 1, 2026 when only the connected V-16 lights will be recognized (until that date, conventional triangles or V16 beacons can continue to be used without be connected), which recommends the acquisition of beacons that meet this requirement.
The official website of the Agency Provides certified models for consultation. It is advisable to check certified models before purchasing a beacon to avoid additional costs. These beacons contain all the necessary elements and offer at least 12 years of connectivity without extra charges.
Despite the obligation to use it in 2026, the DGT encourages public entities to adopt this device for their fleets and consider it in public contracts, and an example of this is roadside tow trucks, which have been the first to use this device.